Doing well as a company by doing good for society
We’re committed to making payments safe and simple for everyone
Leading by example in the way we work
We believe that how we do business is as important as what we achieve. Ethics and compliance are embedded in our core values and we take a proactive approach to conducting business in an open and transparent way. We believe that diversity and innovation go hand-in-hand, and we use our technology and expertise to make payments safe, simple and smart.
Supporting philanthropy and social responsibility
We care about the communities around us and we promote environmentally sustainable business practices. Our philanthropic efforts — which range from charitable giving to employee volunteerism and support for disaster relief — positively impact the lives of people everywhere. And we foster a positive work environment that offers equal opportunities and rewards employees fairly.

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Greater possibilities through financial inclusion
Learn how we’re bringing millions of people into the financial fold
Promoting financial inclusion and literacy
Millions of people around the world lack access to the most basic financial tools. They don't have secure places to save money, reliable ways to transfer it or safe ways to transport it. Through innovation and education, we’re working to ensure that all people have an opportunity to participate in the global economy. Our products and solutions, as well as our philanthropic and financial literacy programs, bring the benefit of financial services to the unbanked and underbanked. This helps individuals to build a stronger future for themselves, their families and their communities.
Driving payment innovation and insights
At MasterCard, we're passionate about innovation. We know that the benefits of electronic payments far outweigh those of cash. And we use our data and insights to analyze and anticipate trends that impact payments. From major cities to developing markets, we’re creating products and solutions that fuel economic growth, efficiency and transparency. Importantly, we’re creating better payment experiences that benefit people everywhere.