What acquirers need to know about PCI compliance

Find out how to educate merchants

Your role in engaging merchants

As an acquirer, you are responsible for building a PCI compliance program. Here are some steps to follow as you actively engage merchants.

  • Help merchants determine their merchant level based on MasterCard transaction volume from the most recent 52-week period
  • Set deadlines for merchants to submit PCI validation requirements and supply them with information on where to send their completed documentation
  • Submit a completed SDP Acquirer Submission and Compliance Status Form quarterly, reporting PCI compliance progress for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 merchants

MasterCard does not require that Level 4 merchants validate PCI compliance. Acquirers may choose to track Level 4 PCI compliance progress and may report Level 4 merchants to MasterCard.


The PCI 360 Education Program (PCI 360) 

MasterCard offers a complimentary PCI 360 Education Program to help our acquiring banks reach merchants and broaden the adoption of the PCI Security Standards. 

Our education series will help you gain the knowledge needed to become PCI compliant — learning directly from industry security experts. You can also view recorded webcasts on your own time, and take advantage of a wealth of materials to educate your employees.

For more information, visit the site.