World Elite MasterCard®
A world of possibilities awaits you
World Elite MasterCard
More than just a travel or rewards card, World Elite MasterCard offers personalized service that can help you experience life's most memorable moments. Anytime, anywhere in the world.

Luxury travel benefits
- Experience an exclusive travel card that takes you to a whole new level with an always on-call personal travel advisor, luxury benefits and amenities, and global VIP access including special promotions.
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Priceless Cities®
- Enjoy a city full of memorable sights and sounds. The World Elite MasterCard is the best credit card for unlocking unique travel experiences, giving you preferred access to our most exclusive offers, including VIP events, insider opportunities, special promotions and more.
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Identity theft
- We fight fraud in multiple ways with MasterCard ID Theft Protection™, a free service offered only by MasterCard to its U.S. cardholders. If your personal information is being bought or sold online, you will be alerted by ID Theft Alerts™. Expert Resolution Services provides access to 24/7 specialists if you think that your identity has been stolen and Emergency Wallet Replacement can help with replacing items in your physical wallet.
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